Emergency Procedure
- Call the office on 01256 381190.
- If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
- Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.
- Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.
- If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.
- Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.
Thank you!
Thursday, 12 November 2020
November 12
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Wed 11 Nov
All seen at the beginning of my walk snuffling up the acorns amongst the oak and holly trees. I rescued one animal which had got its head stuck in between 2 branches. Later on I saw them all back in the corral eating the grass stubble. It does not look very appetising, are they getting sufficient nutrition from it?
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Monday, 9 November 2020
November 9
Sunday, 8 November 2020
Saturday, 7 November 2020
Friday, 6 November 2020
Fri 6 Nov
All seen from a distance in the lower cleared area . I did not venture into the field for a closer look as it is very wet, muddy and uneven under foot.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
November 5
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
November 3
Monday, 2 November 2020
Sunday, 1 November 2020
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Wed 28 Oct
None seen this morning. There is a lot of sloppy poo about. Is this the result of too many acorns or just natural.
Monday 26th
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Monday 26th
Spotted all 4 animals at 4.00 pm at the far end of the site, grazing along the path in C3. Several walkers (with dog) also on the path. Neither bothered by the other. These cattle are very docile. The cattle looked fit and well.
Monday, 26 October 2020
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Saturday, 24 October 2020
Sat 24 Oct
Just glimpsed the rear end of one of the cows. They are grazing deep in the dense undergrowth.
Friday, 23 October 2020
TB test Clear
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Scrub clearance works in canal section, cows in corral section
Just to let you know that HIWWT have contractors clearing scrub at present at Pondtail. They have finished one block at the bottom of the corral section today and will work on another block in the bottom corner of the canal section for the rest of the week.
The 4 Sussex have been moved into the corral section today as there's far less acorns there and the contractors will take down a short section of fence in the canal section to put the scrub arisings into the adjacent woods. The grazing team will check them this Friday 23rd as they are being TB tested.
The areas cleared of scrub will look a little bare for a while but are essential work to prevent the heath disappearing beneath invading small trees and gorse. The resulting bare ground and pioneer heath will increase the range of heathland habitat at Pondtail. The wet areas should see some interesting wet heath species come back.
Also saw a Dartford Warbler there today too!
(Message from David Boddy!)
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Monday, 19 October 2020
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Sun 18 Oct
All seen still hoovering up acorns. 212 seems a little quiet but maybe I am imagining it given the signs and symptoms of acorn poisoning that we are looking out for. Trotted slowly behind the other three. Which animal was taken ill the other day?
Saturday, 17 October 2020
Friday, 16 October 2020
ANNOUNCEMENT: Please watch out for symptoms of acorn poisoning in cattle
Please note that we have had an incidence of acorn poisoning of cattle at Caesars Camp.
There is a very high abundance of acorns this year, which cattle can sometimes get a taste for and start to consume in high quantities.
The acorns contain a chemical which can cause the poisoning, with symptoms including:
- Constipation initially, followed by black watery diarrhoea
- Depression and loss of appetite
- They may be lethargic and slow to react with droopy ears and sunken eyes, and may be separated from the rest of the herd
- Straining to pass faeces or to urinate - this is a very common symptom
- Weakening, collapse and death, usually within seven days of the onset of symptoms
Thursday, 15 October 2020
October 15
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Monday, 12 October 2020
October 12
Sunday, 11 October 2020
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Friday, 9 October 2020
Thursday, 8 October 2020
Thursday 8th October.
Saw the herd mid afternoon and found them eating acorns along the path to the cattle drink. All four looking well.
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
Monday, 5 October 2020
Sunday, 4 October 2020
Friday, 2 October 2020
Thursday, 1 October 2020
Thurs 1 Oct
All seen grazing happily. Firecrest and Fox came over to say hello and let me stroke their noses. They are lovely gentle animals.
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Wed 30 Sep
All seen up at the farm gate end. Firecrest was bellowing loudly with Fox joining in occasionally. Franco and Finch just looked on wondering what all the noise was about. Firecrest then strolled over to Fox for a cuddle. All looked well.
Tuesday, 29 September 2020
September 29
Monday, 28 September 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020
Saturday, 26 September 2020
Thursday, 24 September 2020
September 24
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
197 off site
Monday, 21 September 2020
Monday 21st September
All found along canal section. Noses a little crusty on edges, worth keeping an eye on. River access good.
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Saturday, 19 September 2020
Thursday, 17 September 2020
September 17
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Tuesday 15 Sept
As I walked along the tow path I spotted one cow in the deep undergrowth. Looked for ages but didn’t see the rest.
I keep getting bitten by ticks at the moment. I removed 4 of the little blighters from my left arm on Saturday. So until the tick season is over I will only look for the cows from afar. I won’t be venturing into the field.
Monday, 14 September 2020
Sunday, 13 September 2020
Thursday, 10 September 2020
September 10
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Tuesday 8th September
The cattle drink is ok too, lots of chub in there today.
Monday, 7 September 2020
September 7
Sunday, 6 September 2020
Saturday, 5 September 2020
Friday Afternoon
Found them all just round from the gate towards the canal amongst the gorse.
All fine
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Monday, 31 August 2020
August 31
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Friday, 28 August 2020
Strange plant
None seen this morning. According to my Seek nature app the plant that Helen saw is Weld.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Strange plant
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Tuesday 25 Aug
I will be away from Friday until next Tuesday so won’t be able to check on them over the weekend.
Monday, 24 August 2020
Monday 24th August
All 4 found at oiled.shield.weeknight laying down. Water access good. Cows all good.
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Saturday 22 Aug
All seen grazing in the right hand corner of the middle of the field. In this area there appears to be an old/new dumping site of broken bottles and other broken glass items. The cows were particularly interested in this area. It needs to be made safe before the animals injure themselves.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Thursday, 20 August 2020
August 20
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Monday, 17 August 2020
Sunday, 16 August 2020
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Saturday Aug 15
All seen grazing in the middle of the field. All look well. Fox let me rub his nose! Carole
Friday, 14 August 2020
Friday Aug 14
7pm. None seen but there is fresh evidence that they have recently been at the watering hole. I expect they are tucked up in the thick gorse for the night! Carole
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Tuesday 11th August.
All four looking really well, plenty of water in the cattle drink too.
Monday, 10 August 2020
August 10
Sunday, 9 August 2020
Friday, 7 August 2020
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Monday, 3 August 2020
Sunday, 2 August 2020
Saturday, 1 August 2020
Noted the canal is very low on water and the flow to the stream along the site is barely a trickle. There is still enough to keep the watering holes filled but we should watch this if the drought continues it could become a problem.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
All in the main section sheltering under the trees parallel to the canal.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Friday, 24 July 2020
On site/off site gates etc
I shut it thinking it was left over by a member of the public.
Not sure whether it should be open or not....
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Cattle still onsite, sorry!
Tomorrow is results day so they will be doing the same process which means the cattle will be offsite for the morning.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Monday 20th July - Cattle Temporarily Offsite.
Sunday 19th 3PM
When walking over to where they drink, they followed the old man and me about 3 min later.
Standing there spotting the fish in the water, they simply pushed us aside and had a drink.
They are certainly putting a bit of weight on and seem to be fine around people.
Monday, 20 July 2020
Sunday, 19 July 2020
Afternoon walk
Saturday, 18 July 2020
Thursday, 16 July 2020
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Monday, 13 July 2020
Monday 13th July
Sunday, 12 July 2020
Saturday, 11 July 2020
Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Monday, 6 July 2020
Saturday 4 July, late blog post
Sunday, 5 July 2020
Friday, 3 July 2020
Thursday - Was it a bit like this Helen? Haha!
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Monday, 29 June 2020
June 29
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Friday, 26 June 2020
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Monday, 22 June 2020
June 22
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Thursday, 18 June 2020
June 18
Wednesday evening 17/06
All look healthy and happy!
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Tuesday 16th June.
Monday, 15 June 2020
Sunday, 14 June 2020
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Friday, 12 June 2020
Thursday, 11 June 2020
June 11
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Monday, 8 June 2020
Sunday, 7 June 2020
Saturday, 6 June 2020
Friday evening 5 June
All look healthy and happy...
Friday, 5 June 2020
Thursday, 4 June 2020
June 4
Monday, 1 June 2020
June 1
Sunday, 31 May 2020
Saturday, 30 May 2020
Saturday early evening
Out of the sun, relaxed and chewing away they were.
All look fine, couldn't their arses as they were sitting, eyes look clean despite the many flies.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Sunday, 24 May 2020
Saturday, 23 May 2020
Friday evening May 21
All looked very chilled and were happy enough to let us near.
Might need to borrow one to do my front lawn. I put him back where I found him once done...
One point though: I believe it's number 222 or 220 seems to have a growth on his nose on the left hand side. Looks like wards. He was happy enough me having a feel around and it did not seem painful or inflamed/puss filled. Not sure, might warrant a look by someone more in the know.
Friday, 22 May 2020
Thursday, 21 May 2020
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Tuesday 19th May.
All four looking fit and healthy.
Monday, 18 May 2020
May 18
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Thursday 14th May.
Monday, 11 May 2020
Easy find, all laying up by the gate. I've missed these guys 😊
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Hello all, Due to the introduction of a herd of cows in Fleet ponds, and the subsequent escape of one of our cows to go see them, we've ...
I'm back on the main blog..hooray! All three seen in the gorse. I've been looking on Wednesdays and Saturdays but Alex seems to be o...
The gate between the two enclosures is open. I couldn’t close it as it’s been pushed over bushes...perhaps intentionally by the team visit y...